英语 中的 wine 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wine 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wine 的说明。

英语 中的wine 表示葡萄酒 pú táo jiǔ, 果酒 guǒ jiǔ, 紫红色 zǐ hóng sè, 酒桶 jiǔ tǒng, (一)瓶葡萄酒 yì píng pú táo jiǔ, (一)瓶葡萄酒的量, 廉价酒 lián jià jiǔ, 便宜的酒 pián yi de jiǔ, 餐后葡萄酒 cān hòu pú táo jiǔ, 国产葡萄酒 guó chǎn pú táo jiǔ, 干型葡萄酒 gān xíng pú táo jiǔ, 加酒精的葡萄酒 jiā jiǔ jīng de pú táo jiǔ, (盛在玻璃杯里的)一杯酒 chéng zài bō lí bēi lǐ de yì bēi jiǔ, 葡萄酒 pú táo jiǔ, 进口酒 jìn kǒu jiǔ, 犹太教规允许的葡萄酒 yóu tài jiào guī yǔn xǔ de pú táo jiǔ, 热红酒, 红酒 hóng jiǔ, 米酒 mǐ jiǔ, 米酒,料酒 mǐ jiǔ,liào jiǔ, 玫瑰葡萄酒 méi guī pú táo jiǔ, 汽酒 qì jiǔ, 甜酒 tián jiǔ, 佐餐葡萄酒 zuǒ cān pú táo jiǔ, (标有酿制年份的)佳酿葡萄酒 biāo yǒu niàng zhì nián fèn de jiā niàng pú táo jiǔ, 白葡萄酒 bái pú táo jiǔ, 用美酒佳肴款待某人, 酒吧 jiǔ bā, 葡萄酒瓶, 酒窖 jiǔ jiào, 一批窖藏的酒, 冷酒器 lěng jiǔ qì, 葡萄酒乡,葡萄酒产区, 酒杯 jiǔ bēi, 酿制葡萄酒用的葡萄 niàng zhì pú táo jiǔ yòng de pú táo, 酒单, 酿制葡萄酒 niàng zhì pú táo jiǔ, 葡萄榨汁机, 酒架, 售酒店 shòu jiǔ diàn, 品酒 pǐn jiǔ, 酒醋 jiǔ cù, 葡萄酒搭配,葡萄酒配餐。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wine 的含义

葡萄酒 pú táo jiǔ

noun (drink made from grapes)

They served wine at the celebration dinner.

果酒 guǒ jiǔ

noun (similar drink from other fruit)

Have you ever tried apple wine?

紫红色 zǐ hóng sè

noun (colour)

I wanted the room painted blue, but he painted it wine instead.

酒桶 jiǔ tǒng

noun (cask in which wine is aged)

The barrels are stored in a climate-controlled warehouse to properly age the wine.

(一)瓶葡萄酒 yì píng pú táo jiǔ

noun (glass bottle containing wine)

She brought a bottle of wine to the party.


noun (amount of wine in one bottle)

A bottle of red wine contains 635 calories.

廉价酒 lián jià jiǔ

noun (wine of inferior quality)

Please don't give us any more of that cheap wine; last time I was ill for several days.

便宜的酒 pián yi de jiǔ

noun (inexpensive wine)

餐后葡萄酒 cān hòu pú táo jiǔ

noun (sweet wine taken with dessert)

Dessert wines are far too sweet for my taste.

国产葡萄酒 guó chǎn pú táo jiǔ

noun (wine: of a given country)

With advances in viticulture, England is gradually producing more domestic wine.

干型葡萄酒 gān xíng pú táo jiǔ

noun (wine that is not sweet)

Can you suggest a dry white wine to go with our fish? Sweet wines have a higher sugar content than dry wines.

加酒精的葡萄酒 jiā jiǔ jīng de pú táo jiǔ

noun (wine with brandy added)

Every night before bed he poured himself a glass of fortified wine.

(盛在玻璃杯里的)一杯酒 chéng zài bō lí bēi lǐ de yì bēi jiǔ

noun (wine served in a glass)

I like to have a glass of wine with my meal.

葡萄酒 pú táo jiǔ

noun (alcoholic drink made from grapes)

进口酒 jìn kǒu jiǔ

noun (wine shipped in from a foreign country)

As the quality of domestic wine has improved, sales of imported wine have declined.

犹太教规允许的葡萄酒 yóu tài jiào guī yǔn xǔ de pú táo jiǔ

noun (wine acceptable under Jewish law)


noun (hot spiced alcoholic drink)

红酒 hóng jiǔ

noun (alcoholic drink made from grapes)

Red wine is supposedly good for the heart if drunk in moderation. Would you care for a glass of red wine?

米酒 mǐ jiǔ

noun (sake: for drinking)

米酒,料酒 mǐ jiǔ,liào jiǔ

noun (mirin: for cooking) (烹饪用)

玫瑰葡萄酒 méi guī pú táo jiǔ

noun (alcoholic drink: pink wine)

汽酒 qì jiǔ

noun (wine with bubbles)

Only sparkling wines made in the Champagne region may be called "champagne". We had a light sparkling wine from the Asti region of Italy.

甜酒 tián jiǔ

noun (wine with high sugar content)

Sweet wines are usually served with dessert.

佐餐葡萄酒 zuǒ cān pú táo jiǔ

noun (ordinary wine to accompany food)

(标有酿制年份的)佳酿葡萄酒 biāo yǒu niàng zhì nián fèn de jiā niàng pú táo jiǔ

noun (grapes from a good year)

白葡萄酒 bái pú táo jiǔ

noun (pale alcoholic drink made from grapes)

She sat at the bar drinking a glass of white wine.


verbal expression (treat to dinner and drinks)

He wined and dined her in an attempt to win her business. The Institute always wines and dines its visiting lecturers.

酒吧 jiǔ bā

noun (drinking establishment)

In the 1980s wine bars were seen as more sophisticated than the local pub.


noun (glass bottle: for wine)

酒窖 jiǔ jiào

noun (underground storage space for wines)

Caves make excellent wine cellars for certain vintages.


noun (collection of wines)

I hear that restaurant has an excellent wine cellar.

冷酒器 lěng jiǔ qì

noun (ice bucket for chilling wine)

He took the champagne out of the wine cooler and opened the bottle. We can use this plastic bucket as a wine cooler.


noun (region where wine is produced)

酒杯 jiǔ bēi

noun (stemmed glass drinking vessel)

酿制葡萄酒用的葡萄 niàng zhì pú táo jiǔ yòng de pú táo

plural noun (grapes cultivated for wine-making)


noun (menu of wines)

Jeremy asked the waiter for the wine list.

酿制葡萄酒 niàng zhì pú táo jiǔ

noun (production of wine)


(wine making)


noun (holder for bottles)

Adrian took a bottle from the wine rack.

售酒店 shòu jiǔ diàn

noun (US (store that sells wine)

She went to the wine shop for a bottle of Pinot Noir to have with dinner.

品酒 pǐn jiǔ

noun (event where wines are tasted)

After the reception there will be a wine tasting.

酒醋 jiǔ cù

noun (condiment made of fermented wine)


noun (matching wine to a meal)

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wine 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。