英语 中的 way 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 way 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 way 的说明。

英语 中的way 表示方式 fāng shì, 做…的方法, 首选的办法 shǒu xuǎn de bàn fǎ, 方法 fāng fǎ, 方向 fāng xiàng, 部分 bù fèn, 路,道,街 lù,dào,jiē, 道路 dào lù, 路线 lù xiàn, 非常 fēi cháng, 极其 jí qí, 远远地 yuǎn yuǎn de, 在遥远的太空中, 遥远的 yáo yuǎn de, 性格 xìng gé, 公路 gōng lù, 通道 tōng dào, 方面 fāng miàn, 路 lù, 状态 zhuàng tài, 习惯 xí guàn, 方式 fāng shì, 路途 lù tú, 远低于地, 很长一段路, 在远处 zài yuǎn chù, 遥远地 yáo yuǎn de, (时间上)遥远地,在遥远的将来 shí jiān shàng yáo yuǎn de,zài yáo yuǎn de jiāng lái, 还有很长的路要走, 走到底 zǒu dào dǐ, 完全地 wán quán de, 全进去, 在…的整个行程中 zài de zhěng gè xíng chéng zhōng, 到…的一路上 dào de yí lù shàng, 不远万里(来到) bù yuǎn wàn lǐ lái dào, 一路上,沿路 yí lù shàng,yán lù, 一直以来,一路上 yì zhí yǐ lái,yí lù shàng, 以任何方式 yǐ rèn hé fāng shì, 任何方式 rèn hé fāng shì, 以任何方式 yǐ rèn hé fāng shì, 任何方向,向各处 rèn hé fāng xiàng,xiàng gè chù, 随意地,杂乱地 suí yì de ,zá luàn de, 亚壁古道 yà bì gǔ dào, 顺便说一句 shùn biàn shuō yí jù, 通过,途径 tōng guò ,tú jìng, 作为 zuò wéi, 以实例 yǐ shí lì, 小路 xiǎo lù, 清扫道路 qīng sǎo dào lù, 清扫道路,排除障碍 qīng sǎo dào lù,pái chú zhàng ài, 经历 jīng lì, 吃力不讨好, 慢慢走 màn màn zǒu, 不管怎样 bù guǎn zěn yàng, 挤过 jǐ guò, 挤出去 jǐ chū qù, 对...态度强烈, 摸索着走路, 摸索着前进 mō suǒ zhe qián jìn, 奋力爬上顶端, 想出办法 xiǎng chū bàn fǎ, 强行挤入, 强行进入 qiáng xíng jìn rù, 挡路 dǎng lù, 不挡道,被弄开, 完成 wán chéng, 走自己的路, 让路 ràng lù, 给…让路 gěi … ràng lù, 倒塌 dǎo tā, 对…屈服 duì qū fú, 成功 chéng gōng, 对…大有帮助,对…很有帮助, 允许一切 yǔn xǔ yí qiè, 完全符合期望, 作出额外努力 zuò chū é wài nǔ lì, 绕路, 往另一边走 wǎng lìng yì biān zǒu, 往相反的方向走 wǎng xiāng fǎn de fāng xiàng zǒu, 走错路 zǒu cuò lù, 很有交情, 使事情更为顺利进行, 使...顺利进行, 善于和…打交道,在…方面很擅长, 你想怎么着就怎么着吧, 诱惑 yòu huò, 情况严重, 糟糕,差劲 zāo gāo,chà jìn, 非常地,很,大规模地,隆重地 fēi cháng de ,hěn,dà guī mó de,lóng zhòng de, 兄弟般地 xiōng dì bān de, 诚挚地 chéng zhì de, 迂回曲折地 yū huí qū zhé de, 一些 yì xiē, 有点儿… yǒu diǎn er …, 排外地 pái wài de, (言行)过于随便的 yán xíng guò yú suí biàn de, 用别的方法 yòng bié de fāng fǎ, 完全 wán quán, 无论如何 wú lùn rú hé, 在各方面,完全 wán quán, 陷入危险, 自行其是 zì xíng qí shì, 决不 jué bù, 以某种方式 yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng shì, 以某种方法 yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng fǎ, 用那种方法, 那样 nà yàng, 以相同的方式 yǐ xiāng tóng de fāng shì, 与…同样的方式 yǔ tóng yàng de fāng shì, 挡道的 dǎng dào de, 挡路 dǎng lù, 阻碍 zǔ ài, 就像… jiù xiàng, 与…有关 yǔ … yǒu guān, 如这样 rú zhè yàng, 如何 rú hé, 以你自己的方式 yǐ nǐ zì jǐ de fāng shì, 把…挤到一边 bǎ jǐ dào yì biān, 带路 dài lù, 率先 shuài xiān, 经历艰难才学会, 很长的路程 hěn cháng de lù chéng, 看向另一边。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 way 的含义

方式 fāng shì

noun (manner)

There is more than one way to make a cup of tea.


noun (method of doing [sth])

Show me the way you knead dough.

首选的办法 shǒu xuǎn de bàn fǎ

noun (preferred method)

This is the way to do it.

方法 fāng fǎ

noun (means) (做某事的)

The way to accelerate the project is to add staff.

方向 fāng xiàng

noun (direction)

Which way did you go to get here?

部分 bù fèn

noun (often plural (divisions, parts)

We divided the dessert three ways.

路,道,街 lù,dào,jiē

noun (street name) (用于街道名称)

The street I live on is called Artren Way.

道路 dào lù

noun (route)

There is a way through the mountains ten kilometres south of here.

路线 lù xiàn

noun (preferred, recognised route)

I don't know the way to the pharmacy.

非常 fēi cháng

adverb (informal (very much)

Your piece of cake is way bigger than mine. That's way more than I can spend.

极其 jí qí

adverb (slang (extremely)

Sitting at home doing schoolwork on a Friday night is way depressing.

远远地 yuǎn yuǎn de

adverb (far)

That's way into the future.


expression (US, informal (far in space) (非正式用语)

遥远的 yáo yuǎn de

expression (US, informal (far in time) (指时间)

性格 xìng gé

noun (characteristic)

His ways are odd and eccentric.

公路 gōng lù

noun (highway)

We went by the old Roman way.

通道 tōng dào

noun (passage)

Follow the way through the woods.

方面 fāng miàn

noun (aspect)

In some ways I agree with you.

路 lù

noun (course)

The way to Boston is a major highway.

状态 zhuàng tài

noun (condition, mood)

He is in a bad way today.

习惯 xí guàn

noun (habit)

He has a way of always losing his keys.

方式 fāng shì

noun (mode, style)

The modern way uses brighter colours.

路途 lù tú

noun (distance)

Chicago is a long way from here.


adverb (far below)

It's a long way down from the top of the cliff.


preposition (a significant distance along)

The climber fell a long way down the mountain, but luckily landed in deep snow.

在远处 zài yuǎn chù

adverb (in the distance)

A long way off, you could just see the lights from a distant village.

遥远地 yáo yuǎn de

adverb (distant, far away)

Those birds are swimming a long way off shore, so you'll need a telescope to see them.

(时间上)遥远地,在遥远的将来 shí jiān shàng yáo yuǎn de,zài yáo yuǎn de jiāng lái

adverb (US, colloquial (in the distant future) (口语)

My sixtieth birthday is still a long way off.


expression (much effort still needed)

Brad did well on the quiz, but he has a long way to go before he passes the class.

走到底 zǒu dào dǐ

expression (the full distance)

He has just run a marathon and was barefoot all the way.

完全地 wán quán de

expression (figurative, slang (completely)

"Which football team do you support?" "Manchester United all the way!"


adverb (completely in)

To get the card to work, you have to put it all the way in.

在…的整个行程中 zài de zhěng gè xíng chéng zhōng

(during the entire journey to)

We had to listen to him snore all the way from New York to Rome.

到…的一路上 dào de yí lù shàng

(the full distance to)

He sang and danced all the way to school.

不远万里(来到) bù yuǎn wàn lǐ lái dào

(emphatic: a long way)

You want me to carry this all the way back to the house?

一路上,沿路 yí lù shàng,yán lù

adverb (over a route)

We're driving to the mountains, but will stop for coffee along the way.

一直以来,一路上 yì zhí yǐ lái,yí lù shàng

adverb (figurative (in course of events)

Their marriage has lasted 40 years, with a lot of ups and downs along the way.

以任何方式 yǐ rèn hé fāng shì

adverb (informal (haphazardly, randomly)

任何方式 rèn hé fāng shì

noun (some means)

Is there any way you could make your essay more interesting?

以任何方式 yǐ rèn hé fāng shì

adverb (informal (in any way) (非正式用语)

I'm not going shopping for you, any which way!

任何方向,向各处 rèn hé fāng xiàng,xiàng gè chù

adverb (informal (in any direction) (非正式用语)

The wind keeps blowing the smoke any which way.

随意地,杂乱地 suí yì de ,zá luàn de

adverb (informal (haphazardly, randomly) (非正式用语)

She used to load the dishwasher any which way.

亚壁古道 yà bì gǔ dào

noun (Roman road in Italy)

Leaving Rome, we saw many pedestrians on the Appian Way.

顺便说一句 shùn biàn shuō yí jù

expression (incidentally)

By the way, have you seen this before?

通过,途径 tōng guò ,tú jìng

preposition (going through)

She flew from Khartoum to Kathmandu by way of Dubai.

作为 zuò wéi

preposition (as)

Glen sent Sandy a box of chocolates by way of an apology.

以实例 yǐ shí lì

adverb (as an example)

小路 xiǎo lù

noun (side road)

清扫道路 qīng sǎo dào lù

verbal expression (path: remove obstacles) (本义)

They took out the old walnut grove to clear the way for the bypass.

清扫道路,排除障碍 qīng sǎo dào lù,pái chú zhàng ài

verbal expression (figurative (remove obstacles) (比喻)

City council approval cleared the way for the new mall.

经历 jīng lì

noun (happen in [sb]'s life)

That is the worst thing that ever came my way. I have a feeling that some good luck will come your way soon.


verbal expression (make [sth] unnecessarily difficult)

慢慢走 màn màn zǒu

verbal expression (go slowly)

The climber edged his way along the narrow ledge in the cliff face.

不管怎样 bù guǎn zěn yàng

adverb (whichever is true)

He may or may not have been insured: either way, you can still make a claim.

挤过 jǐ guò

(figurative, informal (force way in) (比喻用手肘推开人群)

A man in the crowd shouted at me for elbowing in.

挤出去 jǐ chū qù

verbal expression (push through a crowd, etc.)


verbal expression (have a passionate opinion)


verbal expression (find way by touch)

It was pitch black in the tunnel, so we had to feel our way.

摸索着前进 mō suǒ zhe qián jìn

verbal expression (proceed tentatively)

She felt her way along the corridor in the dark.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (struggle to succeed)

She fought her way to the top of the company.

想出办法 xiǎng chū bàn fǎ

verbal expression (devise a solution)

I don't know how I'll do it, but I'll find a way.


verbal expression (obtain entry, way: by strength)

The army forced their way into the city.

强行进入 qiáng xíng jìn rù

verbal expression (enter by physical force)

She attempted to keep him outside of the house, but he forced his way in.

挡路 dǎng lù

intransitive verb (be an obstacle)

I couldn't see much of the parade because a tall fat man got in the way.


verbal expression (informal (move aside) (障碍等)

The truck finally got out of the way and I was able to turn right.

完成 wán chéng

verbal expression (informal, figurative (task: complete)

Let's get the cleaning out of the way: then we can do something fun.


verbal expression (have what you want)

Sue got her own way when her parents let her go to the party.

让路 ràng lù

verbal expression (driving: yield, give priority to) (驾驶)

Drivers should always give way when there are pedestrians about.

给…让路 gěi … ràng lù

verbal expression (driving: yield to, give priority to) (驾驶中)

When driving in the UK, remember to give way to traffic on your right.

倒塌 dǎo tā

verbal expression (fall, collapse, break under pressure)

The bridge columns couldn't resist the strong current and ended up giving way.

对…屈服 duì qū fú

verbal expression (give in to: [sb], [sth])

Adrian pestered me so much about going to the party that eventually I gave way to him.

成功 chéng gōng

expression (be successful)

With Tom's intelligence and ambition, he'll go a long way.


expression (be helpful)

The man's generous donation will go a long way to help build homes for needy families.

允许一切 yǔn xǔ yí qiè

verbal expression (figurative, slang (have sex) (暗指发生性关系)

He wanted to go all the way but she said no.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (completely fulfil expectations)

When I began searching for a new house, I didn't expect to find one that went all the way so quickly.

作出额外努力 zuò chū é wài nǔ lì

verbal expression (figurative (make effort)

Don't go out of your way to bring me the book: I don't need it today. She went out of her way to help me.


verbal expression (take detour)

It is the best bakery in town, and it is worth going out of your way to get your bread there.

往另一边走 wǎng lìng yì biān zǒu

verbal expression (take a different direction)

往相反的方向走 wǎng xiāng fǎn de fāng xiàng zǒu

verbal expression (take the opposite direction)

Joe set off towards the bank and I went the other way towards the post office.

走错路 zǒu cuò lù

verbal expression (move in incorrect direction)


verbal expression (have known each other a long time)

Chuck and I go way back: we were in high school together.


verbal expression (figurative (make [sth] go more smoothly)

Richard's friend greased the wheels a little to help him get his job application processed early.


verbal expression (figurative (make [sth] go more smoothly for [sb])


verbal expression (have a natural affinity for)

She should be a writer - she's really got a way with words.


interjection (informal, disapproving (resignation)

OK, have it your way; I'm through arguing with you. You don't want pepperoni on the pizza? Fine, have it your own way.

诱惑 yòu huò

verbal expression (informal (seduce, have sex with)

As soon as she saw Paul, Amanda was determined to have her way with him.


adjective (informal (unwell, in a poor state) (健康状况等)

Paul was in a bad way after his motorbike accident.

糟糕,差劲 zāo gāo,chà jìn

adverb (having a negative effect) (表现、行为等)

Luka is behaving in a bad way which is affecting the other children in his class.

非常地,很,大规模地,隆重地 fēi cháng de ,hěn,dà guī mó de,lóng zhòng de

adverb (informal (very much, greatly) (非正式用语)

If we lose the contract, it will hurt us in a big way.

兄弟般地 xiōng dì bān de

adverb (in an affectionate, fraternal way)

There was nothing homoerotic about their greeting, they just hugged each other in a brotherly way.

诚挚地 chéng zhì de

adverb (cordially, warmly)

I greeted him in a friendly way.

迂回曲折地 yū huí qū zhé de

adverb (figurative (circuitously)

What I'm asking, in a roundabout way, is whether you'd like to go out with me tonight?

一些 yì xiē

adverb (slightly, somewhat)

Being suspended from school has actually improved his behaviour in a small way.

有点儿… yǒu diǎn er …

adverb (sort of, more or less)

In a way, Aiden deserved the victory as much as his opponent, but there can only be one winner.

排外地 pái wài de

adverb (showing elitism)

(言行)过于随便的 yán xíng guò yú suí biàn de

adverb (casually)

One of the customers complained that the waiter had treated him in an offhand way.

用别的方法 yòng bié de fāng fǎ

adverb (differently)

完全 wán quán

adverb (at all, in the slightest)

If I've offended you in any way, I apologise.

无论如何 wú lùn rú hé

adverb (in whichever manner)

I'll get the job done today in any way I can.

在各方面,完全 wán quán

adverb (completely, in all aspects)

The new house was better in every way than the apartment.


expression (in danger)

自行其是 zì xíng qí shì

adverb (uniquely)

Every Greek island is, in its own way, unique.

决不 jué bù

adverb (not at all)

The fact that you were a little drunk in no way excuses your behavior.

以某种方式 yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng shì

adverb (somehow)

I thought he looked different in some way, then I realised he'd shaved off his beard.

以某种方法 yǐ mǒu zhǒng fāng fǎ

adverb (somehow)

I'd like to help him in some way or other because he deserves to succeed.


expression (through the stated method)

那样 nà yàng

expression (in the stated manner)

Sorry if I offended you; I didn't mean it in that way.

以相同的方式 yǐ xiāng tóng de fāng shì

expression (similarly)

She never cooks that dish in the same way, so it is different every time.

与…同样的方式 yǔ tóng yàng de fāng shì

expression (similarly to)

I tried to paint the sunflowers in the same way as Van Gogh.

挡道的 dǎng dào de

adjective (causing an obstruction)

You've left your car in the way and I can't get past it.

挡路 dǎng lù

verbal expression (physically blocking [sth])

Can you move your suitcase out of the hallway, please? It's in the way.

阻碍 zǔ ài

verbal expression (impeding work, progress, etc.)

就像… jiù xiàng

preposition (similar to, like)

与…有关 yǔ … yǒu guān

preposition (relating to)

There isn't much in this book in the way of European history.

如这样 rú zhè yàng

adverb (as demonstrated or described)

If you do it this way it will take longer than if you do it the other way.

如何 rú hé

adverb (how)

以你自己的方式 yǐ nǐ zì jǐ de fāng shì

adverb (with your own style)

Don't copy your classmates: the important thing is to do it in your own way. You're beautiful in your own way!

把…挤到一边 bǎ jǐ dào yì biān

verbal expression (informal (shove aside)

He ran down the school hallway knocking people out of his way.

带路 dài lù

verbal expression (serve as guide)

John knows where we are going, so he will lead the way.

率先 shuài xiān

verbal expression (figurative (be the first to do [sth])

Ford led the way into mass-produced automobiles.


verbal expression (learn from difficult experiences)

很长的路程 hěn cháng de lù chéng

noun (considerable distance)

I'm not sure I would accept a job there; it's a long way from my family. We still have a long way to go on this project before it's finished.


verbal expression (look in the opposite direction)

Don't just look to your right when you cross the street; look the other way as well.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。