英语 中的 lift 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lift 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lift 的说明。

英语 中的lift 表示抬起 tái qǐ, 举起 jǔ qǐ, 电梯 diàn tī, 举起 jǔ qǐ, 提升的高度, 提升力,上升力 tí shēng lì, 空运能力 kōng yùn néng lì, 搭便车 dā biàn chē, 鼓舞 gǔ wǔ, 起重机 qǐ zhòng jī, 上菜架, 滑雪升降机 huá xuě shēng jiàng jī, 土坡 tǔ pō, 一次运输(提、吊)的重量 yí cì yùn shū tí diào de zhòng liàng, 后跟皮 hòu gēn pí, 托举, 上升 shàng shēng, 上升消散 shàng shēng xiāo sǎn, 撤销 chè xiāo, 从...抄袭,剽窃 piāo qiè, 挖出...以备移植, 偷,顺 tōu, 结束了某人的某种处境, 发射 fā shè, 外包 wài bāo, 吊椅,椅式升降机,椅式缆车 diào yǐ,yǐ shì shēng jiàng jī,yǐ shì lǎn chē, 蹲举, 艰巨任务, 电梯操作员, 升降梯,电梯 shēng jiàng tī,diàn tī, 面部整容 miàn bù zhěng róng, 用叉车装卸 yòng chā chē zhuāng xiè, 叉车,铲车 chā chē ,chǎn chē, 送…, 搭便车 dā biàn chē, 出力,动手, 帮忙做某事, 掀背式行李舱门,上翻式行李舱门, 振奋...的精神, 抬起 tái qǐ, 举重 jǔ zhòng, 举重 jǔ zhòng, 提高音量, 外聘团队, 发射 fā shè, 上山缆车, 搭便车 dā biàn chē。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lift 的含义

抬起 tái qǐ

transitive verb (raise upward)

He lifted the tray above the kids.

举起 jǔ qǐ

transitive verb (hoist)

The car was lifted so the mechanic could work underneath.

电梯 diàn tī

noun (UK (elevator)

I took the lift to the third floor.

举起 jǔ qǐ

noun (act of raising)

With a lift of the hand, the leader signalled that he was ready.


noun (distance that [sth] rises)

The crane had a lift of two hundred feet.

提升力,上升力 tí shēng lì

noun (raising force)

Thrust and lift allow a plane to fly.

空运能力 kōng yùn néng lì

noun (weight lifted, capacity)

The twin-engine cargo plane has a lift of eight tons.

搭便车 dā biàn chē

noun (UK (ride in a vehicle)

Thanks for the lift! I'd never have made it to the station in time without it.

鼓舞 gǔ wǔ

noun (figurative (emotional uplift)

The good news was a real lift.

起重机 qǐ zhòng jī

noun (lifting device)

A hydraulic lift was used to place the stones.


noun (dumbwaiter)

Put the tray of dinner plates in the lift.

滑雪升降机 huá xuě shēng jiàng jī

noun (ski-lift)

I'll meet you at the lift so we can go up together for another run.

土坡 tǔ pō

noun (rise in ground, hill)

There is an apple tree at the base of the lift in that field.

一次运输(提、吊)的重量 yí cì yùn shū tí diào de zhòng liàng

noun (nautical: capacity of a ship)

The barge has a lift of thirty tons.

后跟皮 hòu gēn pí

noun (lowest layer of a shoe heel) (皮鞋)

She had the lifts on her shoes replaced.


noun (dance move) (舞蹈动作)

The ballroom dancer performed an impressive lift on his partner.

上升 shàng shēng

intransitive verb (go up)

As the plane took off, I felt myself lift.

上升消散 shàng shēng xiāo sǎn

intransitive verb (rise) (雾等)

As the sun warmed the land, the fog lifted.

撤销 chè xiāo

transitive verb (rescind, remove)

California lifted its gay marriage ban in 2008. The government lifted the boycott on foreign goods after three days.

从...抄袭,剽窃 piāo qiè

transitive verb (slang, figurative (plagiarize) (俚语)

The author had lifted entire paragraphs from another book.


transitive verb (horticulture: remove plants) (园艺)

She lifted the irises in October, before the first frost.

偷,顺 tōu

transitive verb (slang, figurative (steal) (俚语)

The thief lifted the man's wallet.


(figurative (elevate in circumstances)

The success of his art lifted him from poverty.

发射 fā shè

phrasal verb, intransitive (plane, spacecraft: take off) (火箭等)

The spaceship began to lift off.

外包 wài bāo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK (outsource: a team) (团队)

吊椅,椅式升降机,椅式缆车 diào yǐ,yǐ shì shēng jiàng jī,yǐ shì lǎn chē

noun (cable car for skiers) (运送滑雪者上下的)


noun (exercise move without assistance)


noun (situation requiring great strength)


noun ([sb] employed to operate a lift)

升降梯,电梯 shēng jiàng tī,diàn tī

noun (passage for a lift) (美国英语)

面部整容 miàn bù zhěng róng

noun (surgery: tightens facial skin)

Mary looked fantastic after her facelift. // Many celebrities get face-lifts to appear younger.

用叉车装卸 yòng chā chē zhuāng xiè

transitive verb (move by forklift)

Forklift that freight to the back of the warehouse.

叉车,铲车 chā chē ,chǎn chē

noun (vehicle for lifting heavy loads)

You need a forklift truck to move the pallets around.


verbal expression (informal (take in car)

I'll give you a ride to the airport.

搭便车 dā biàn chē

verbal expression (informal (hitchhike)

I might be able to hitch a ride to the airport.


verbal expression (figurative (make effort)

Jody would appreciate some help in the kitchen, but Josh never lifts a finger.


verbal expression (figurative (make effort to help)

I wish you would lift a finger to help around the house occasionally.


noun (UK (hatchback on a vehicle)


verbal expression (improve [sb]'s mood)

These party songs are guaranteed to lift your spirits.

抬起 tái qǐ


If you lift up the boxes and hand them to me, I'll put them in the attic.

举重 jǔ zhòng

verbal expression (exercise: do weight training) (锻炼)

I go running and lift weights four times a week.

举重 jǔ zhòng

verbal expression (sport: do weight lifting) (体育运动)

He lifts weights competitively. When they lift weights, weight-lifters wear a belt to protect their back and kidneys.


verbal expression (sing louder)

The singers lifted their voices in the last verse.


noun (outsourcing of a team)

发射 fā shè

noun (launch of a spacecraft) (航天器)

The scheduled Ariane 5 liftoff has been postponed. Lift-off in ten seconds: ten, nine, eight….


noun (carries skiers up ski slope) (运送滑雪者)

搭便车 dā biàn chē

verbal expression (hitchhike)

We had to thumb a lift to Glasgow as we had no money left for the bus.

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lift 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。