英语 中的 gear 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 gear 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 gear 的说明。

英语 中的gear 表示齿轮 chǐ lún, 档 dàng, 工具 gōng jù, 东西,物品,所有物 dōng xī,wù pǐn,suǒ yǒu wù, 使…适应,使…适合,使…针对,使…面向, 使…适合, 给…装配,给…装备, 齿轮,传动装置 chǐ lún,chuán dòng zhuāng zhì, 服装 fú zhuāng, 啮合 niè hé, 换慢档 huàn màn dàng, 减弱, 降低, 为…换上行头, 为…做好心理准备, 换高速挡, 提高效率以做某事, 战斗装备, 野营装备,野营用品, 变速齿轮, 潜水衣 qián shuǐ yī, 五档, 第一档的,头档的 dì yī dàng de,tóu dàng de, 渔具 yú jù, 四档, 做好心理准备做某事, 变速箱, 变速器, 齿轮箱, 变速杆 biàn sù gān, 已搭上齿轮, 已搭上齿轮, 处于正常状态 chǔ yú zhèng cháng zhuàng tài, 起落架 qǐ luò jià, 保护装置,防护装备 bǎo hù zhuāng zhì, 斯库巴潜泳设备 sī kù bā qián yǒng shè bèi, 第二档 dì èr dàng, 开关设备,开关装置, 第三档 dì sān dàng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 gear 的含义

齿轮 chǐ lún

noun (machines, rotating) (机械传动装置)

When you turn this handle, the gears will rotate.

档 dàng

noun (automobile transmission level) (车辆)

When you get on the highway, shift into fifth gear.

工具 gōng jù

noun (uncountable (tools, equipment)

He kept his woodworking gear in the garage.

东西,物品,所有物 dōng xī,wù pǐn,suǒ yǒu wù

noun (informal, uncountable (possessions)

Dump your gear and we'll go out for a drink.


(aim at)

The TV company geared the show toward teenage girls.


(figurative (make suitable for)

You need to gear these advertisements to a younger demographic.


(often passive (fit, equip)

The new car was geared with a turbocharged engine.

齿轮,传动装置 chǐ lún,chuán dòng zhuāng zhì

noun (mechanism) (机械)

The tiller and rudder are the steering gear of a sailing ship.

服装 fú zhuāng

noun (clothing)

Tania put on her gardening gear to go and prune the roses.

啮合 niè hé

intransitive verb (fit)

This wheel gears neatly with the driveshaft.

换慢档 huàn màn dàng

phrasal verb, intransitive (put vehicle into lower gear)

Truck drivers gear down on a downhill slope to keep the truck from going too fast.

减弱, 降低

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US, figurative, informal (reduce, scale down)

With this economic crisis, we're going to have to gear down our business plans.


(put on clothing, kit)

The players were starting to gear up for the big game.


(figurative, informal (mentally: get ready)

I'm trying to gear up for my final exams on Monday.


phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: put in higher gear) (汽车)

The driver geared up and pressed down on the accelerator as hard as he could.


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (increase work rate)

This business needs to gear up to beat our competitors.


noun (armor)


noun (equipment for staying outdoors)

We loaded all our camping gear into the car and set out for the Rockies.


(vehicle: change transmission level)

潜水衣 qián shuǐ yī

noun (equipment for scuba diving)

She rented diving gear before going on vacation.


noun (5th automobile gear) (车辆)

The driver switched into fifth on the freeway.

第一档的,头档的 dì yī dàng de,tóu dàng de

adjective (lowest automobile gear) (车档)

Switch to first gear when going up steep hills.

渔具 yú jù

noun (equipment for catching fish)

We got up at 5:00, grabbed our fishing gear, and set out for the lake.


noun (4th automobile gear) (汽车)

Once he was on the highway, Tony shifted up into fourth.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (mentally: get ready)

Palmer is gearing up to play in the Denver Broncos' season opener vs. the Indianapolis Colts.

变速箱, 变速器, 齿轮箱

noun (car: gear casing) (车辆的)

I don't know anything about cars; I can't even identify the gear box when I look under the hood.

变速杆 biàn sù gān

noun (vehicle's manual transmission) (车辆的)

I always waggle the gear stick before starting the engine, to make sure it is in neutral. This car's gearshift is on the steering column.


adverb (vehicle: engaged) (车)

Put the car in gear then drive off slowly.


adjective (vehicle: with gears engaged) (车)

The car makes a strange noise when it is in gear.

处于正常状态 chǔ yú zhèng cháng zhuàng tài

adverb (figurative (working well)

Put your brain in gear before opening your mouth!

起落架 qǐ luò jià

noun (parts under a plane for landing)

The captain must lower the landing gear before bringing the plane down onto the runway.

保护装置,防护装备 bǎo hù zhuāng zhì

noun (safety clothing)

斯库巴潜泳设备 sī kù bā qián yǒng shè bèi

noun (diving equipment)

I just bought $2,000 of scuba gear to start me out in my new diving hobby.

第二档 dì èr dàng

noun (2nd automobile gear) (机动车)

On a hill, shift into second.


noun (electronics: circuit device) (电子)

第三档 dì sān dàng

noun (3rd automobile gear)

He downshifted to third to pass the truck.

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gear 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。