英语 中的 base 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 base 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 base 的说明。

英语 中的base 表示底座 dǐ zuò, 基 jī, 基础 jī chǔ, 基,底,主要成分 jī,dǐ,zhǔ yào chéng fèn, 基地,根据地 jī dì ,gēn jù dì, 出发点 chū fā diǎn, 山脚, 某事以…为根据, 让...以...为根据, 卑鄙的 bēi bǐ de, 垒 lěi, 盐基,碱 yán jī,jiǎn, 做基底的 zuò jī dǐ de, 驻地在, 低空跳伞, 空军基地 kōng jūn jī dì, 在…的最底部 zài de zuì dǐ bù, 基地营 jī dì yíng, 世袭地产 shì xí dì chǎn, 安全打 ān quán dǎ, 低空跳伞, (河流的)基准面 hé liú de jī zhǔn miàn, 基准水平 jī zhǔn shuǐ píng, 贱金属 jiàn jīn shǔ, 基地 jī dì, 总部 zǒng bù, 四坏球后送上垒, 基本工资 jī běn gōng zī, 底座 dǐ zuò, 低价 dī jià, 基本利率 jī běn lì lǜ, 基本工资 jī běn gōng zī, 基准利率, 基本工资 jī běn gōng zī, 基本工资 jī běn gōng zī, 基准线 jī zhǔn xiàn, 底线 dǐ xiàn, 床架 chuáng jià, 基地贩卖部,基地杂货店, 客户群 kè hù qún, 数据库 shù jù kù, 数据库,资料库 shù jù kù,zī liào kù, 二垒安打, 一垒,一垒的位置 yì lěi,yì lěi de wèi zhì, (约会的)第一阶段 yuē huì de dì yī jiē duàn, 本垒板 běn lěi bǎn, 本垒, 总部,基地 zǒng bù,jī dì, 目标 mù biāo, 本垒板 běn lěi bǎn, 军事基地 jūn shì jī dì, 海军基地, 错的 cuò de, 本垒板 běn lěi bǎn, 二垒 èr lěi, 摸到胸部, 课税基础 kè shuì jī chǔ, 三垒 sān lěi, 联系 lián xì, 接触, 联系, 联络, 三垒打。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 base 的含义

底座 dǐ zuò

noun (bottom support)

The floor lamp has a large round base.

基 jī

noun (building foundation)

The base of the house is solid concrete.

基础 jī chǔ

noun (basis)

The Bible provides the base for most Christian beliefs.

基,底,主要成分 jī,dǐ,zhǔ yào chéng fèn

noun (main ingredient) (事物的基本成分,比如汤底)

The sauce has a tomato base.

基地,根据地 jī dì ,gēn jù dì

noun (military: facility) (军队)

The United States Navy has a base in San Diego.

出发点 chū fā diǎn

noun (starting point)

We used the tree as the base, and measured everything from there.


noun (foot: of mountain or tree) (山)

They run a small chalet resort at the base of the mountain.


(often passive (use as evidence)

She based her conclusion on close examination of the evidence.


(adapt from)

They will base the film on a short story written by Mark Twain.

卑鄙的 bēi bǐ de

adjective (dishonourable, low)

His base comments offended the women.

垒 lěi

noun (baseball: home, first, etc.) (棒球)

The runner passed second base and headed to third.

盐基,碱 yán jī,jiǎn

noun (chemical compound) (化学)

This liquid is a base, and not acidic.

做基底的 zuò jī dǐ de

noun as adjective (forming the base)

First you need to put on a base coat of paint.


transitive verb (usually passive (station)

Tom's company based him in New York, but he travels all over the US.


phrasal verb, intransitive (extreme sport)

空军基地 kōng jūn jī dì

noun (military aircraft station)

在…的最底部 zài de zuì dǐ bù

preposition (at the bottom of)

We'll meet at the base of the volcano and hike up together.

基地营 jī dì yíng

noun (mountaineers' shelter)

My daughter is no mountain climber, but she's trekking as far as the Everest base camp.

世袭地产 shì xí dì chǎn

noun (UK (law: inherited property) (法律)

安全打 ān quán dǎ

noun (type of baseball hit) (棒球)

The batter got a base hit and the runner scored easily.


noun (sport: jump from fixed structure)

(河流的)基准面 hé liú de jī zhǔn miàn

noun (river's lowest point)

基准水平 jī zhǔn shuǐ píng

noun (lowest point)

贱金属 jiàn jīn shǔ

noun (non-precious metal)

It was a cheap base metal but the gold plating made it look expensive.

基地 jī dì

noun (military installation)

The Allies moved their base of operations from England to the coast of Normandy.

总部 zǒng bù

noun (business headquarters)

The Hong Kong offices currently serve as the company's base of operations for global activities.


noun (baseball: walk awarded) (棒球)

The pitcher gave a base on balls.

基本工资 jī běn gōng zī

noun (basic salary)

The base pay for this job is low, but as you gain experience your pay will be increased.

底座 dǐ zuò

noun (metal sheet supporting [sth])

The base plate is attached to the machine with four screws.

低价 dī jià

noun (cost before extras)

The base price is $20,000; if you want a stereo or air conditioning, that will be extra.

基本利率 jī běn lì lǜ

noun (interest rate: to set lending rate)

Banks use the base rate as their starting point when deciding on individual lending rates.

基本工资 jī běn gōng zī

noun (wages)

We're paid £55 a day as a base rate of pay.


noun (UK (interest rate: Bank of England) (英国)

The Bank of England set the base rate at 0.5 per cent.

基本工资 jī běn gōng zī

noun (basic pay level)

Inexperienced workers entering this firm are paid the base salary.

基本工资 jī běn gōng zī

noun (basic pay level)

The base wage for this job is low, but as you gain experience your pay will be increased.

基准线 jī zhǔn xiàn

noun (standard, guideline)

These sales figures will be used as the baseline for the company's success in future years.

底线 dǐ xiàn

noun (tennis court marking) (网球)

The player serves from just behind the baseline.

床架 chuáng jià

noun (support for mattress)


noun (US, initialism (base exchange) (美国军队)

客户群 kè hù qún

noun (group of clients or consumers)

The home improvement store expanded its customer base when it added a new garden center.

数据库 shù jù kù

noun (data bank, collection of data)

Police are compiling a database of crime locations.

数据库,资料库 shù jù kù,zī liào kù

noun (computing: searchable data) (计算机)

The database contained four records with that name.


noun (baseball) (棒球)

The batter hit a double.

一垒,一垒的位置 yì lěi,yì lěi de wèi zhì

noun (baseball: first station) (棒球)

Baseball is so dull that I fall asleep before anyone gets to first base.

(约会的)第一阶段 yuē huì de dì yī jiē duàn

noun (slang (kissing on a date) (俚语,指拉手、接吻)

He thought the date was going well, but in the end he didn't even make it to first base.

本垒板 běn lěi bǎn

noun (uncountable (baseball: home plate) (棒球术语)

He stole from third base to home.


noun (baseball: home plate) (棒球)

A pitcher must throw the ball over home base for it to be declared a 'strike'.

总部,基地 zǒng bù,jī dì

noun (headquarters, center of action)

目标 mù biāo

noun (games: goal or objective) (游戏)

本垒板 běn lěi bǎn

noun (baseball: batter's station) (棒球术语)

A pitcher must throw the ball over home plate for it to be declared a "strike.".

军事基地 jūn shì jī dì

noun (army facility)

My aunt's a civilian worker on a military base.


noun (military stronghold)

错的 cuò de

adjective (mistaken)

本垒板 běn lěi bǎn

noun (baseball) (棒球)

The runner slid into the plate to score the winning run.

二垒 èr lěi

noun (baseball: first corner) (棒球术语)

The batter was able to reach second base safely.


noun (US, slang, euphemism (fondling [sb]'s breasts) (亲密关系进展)

How long did it take for you to reach second base with your girlfriend?

课税基础 kè shuì jī chǔ

noun (resources subject to taxation)

Our tax base has dwindled since the hurricane.

三垒 sān lěi

noun (baseball: last of three bases that must be touched by runner) (棒球)

The player made it to third base.

联系 lián xì

(US, figurative, informal (make contact)

We'll touch base when you've finished the first task.

接触, 联系, 联络

verbal expression (US, figurative, informal (make contact with [sb])

Touch base with me in a few weeks so I can see how the project's coming along.


noun (baseball)

The crowd cheered when the batter hit a triple.

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base 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。