What does который час? in Russian mean?

What is the meaning of the word который час? in Russian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use который час? in Russian.

The word который час? in Russian means what time. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word который час?

what time


Я не знаю точно, в котором часу она приедет.
I don't know exactly what time she's coming.

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Который час?
What time is it?
В котором часу приезжает ваша тетушка?
What time does your aunt get in?
Который час?
What time is it now?
– А в котором часу ушло письмо?
“At what time was the letter sent?
— Брайен, в котором часу вы завтракали?
“Brian, at what time did you breakfast?”
— А в котором часу ты должен возвращаться домой?
What time have you to be back home, then?’
Я спросил его, который час, и получил ответ, что до зари остается два часа.
I asked him what the time was, to which he replied that it lacked two hours to dawn.
Который час?
What watch?
Затем увидела собственные сообщения: «В котором часу ждать тебя к чаю?»
Then there were ones from me that read things like: What time are you back for tea?
— А в котором часу это было, мадам?
'And that would have been at what time, Madame?'
Который час за океаном, 16:00?
What time is it across the pond, 1600?
Он не мог определить, который час, но казалось, что со времени исчезновения Теклы прошло несколько дней.
He could not have told the hour, but it seemed more like days since he had come to find Thecla gone.
В котором часу Джози возвращается из школы?
What time does Josie get home from school?”
Габи спросила у нее, который час, но она не услышала.
Gabi asked her what time it was, but she didn’t hear.
– В котором часу вы приехали и когда уехали?
“When did you get there and what time did you leave?”
Она не знала, который час, а потому уже могла опоздать.
She wasn’t certain about the timetable, which meant that she might already be late.
Который час?
I'm fine.
Салли всерьез ожидала, что он швырнет в нее чашку с кофе, когда она сообщила, который час.
She half expected him to throw his coffee at her when she told him what time it was.
he asked Hippias in a modest voice. - Который час?
he asked Hippias in a modest voice.
Женщина ростом пять футов два дюйма улыбнулась ему в лифте в Бостоне и спросила, который час.
Five-foot two-inch Drenka had smiled up at him in an elevator in Boston and asked if he knew the correct time.
В котором часу мистер Старр пришёл сюда и когда ушёл.
Ah, what time Mr. Starr arrived here, what time he left.
– Сколько человек знали, в котором часу Крисэйлиса вывезут из аэропорта Кеннеди?
‘How many people knew at what hour Chrysalis would leave Kennedy Airport?’

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So now that you know more about the meaning of который час? in Russian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Russian.

Do you know about Russian

Russian is an East Slavic language native to the Russian people of Eastern Europe. It is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as widely spoken throughout the Baltic states, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Russian has words similar to Serbian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Slovak, Polish, and other languages derived from the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. Russian is the largest native language in Europe and the most common geographical language in Eurasia. It is the most widely spoken Slavic language, with a total of more than 258 million speakers worldwide. Russian is the seventh most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers and the eighth most spoken language in the world by total speakers. This language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian is also the second most popular language on the Internet, after English.