英语 中的 grand master 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 grand master 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 grand master 的说明。

英语 中的grand master 表示宏伟的 hóng wěi de, 巨大的,雄伟的 jù dà de ,xióng wěi de, 气派的, 极其美妙的, 一千美元 yì qiān měi yuán, 总, 大钢琴 dà gāng qín, 小型卧式钢琴 xiǎo xíng wò shì gāng qín, 小型卧式钢琴 xiǎo xíng wò shì gāng qín, 三角钢琴 sān jiǎo gāng qín, 大峡谷, 终场演奏(表演) zhōng chǎng yǎn zòu biǎo yǎn, 隆重开幕, 大奖赛, 大奖赛, 大计, 大满贯 dà mǎn guàn, 本垒打 běn lěi dǎ, 大满贯 dà mǎn guàn, 巨盗, 数额巨大的盗窃, 总计 zǒng jì, 欧陆环游 ōu lù huán yóu, 环游 huán yóu, 欧洲的三大自行车环赛。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 grand master 的含义

宏伟的 hóng wěi de

adjective (building: splendid)

The grand hotel ruled the skyline of the city.

巨大的,雄伟的 jù dà de ,xióng wěi de

adjective (large, imposing)

The grand cathedral loomed over the congregation.


adjective (fancy, upmarket)

"Studio" is rather a grand name for my little shed.


adjective (UK, regional, informal (excellent)

We had a grand day at the beach.

一千美元 yì qiān měi yuán

noun (slang (1000 dollars, pounds) (俚语)

My used car only cost a grand.

noun (final)

The grand total for this house came to two hundred thousand dollars.

大钢琴 dà gāng qín

noun (piano: large, horizontal strings)

My music teacher and I sat at the grand piano and practiced my recital piece.

小型卧式钢琴 xiǎo xíng wò shì gāng qín

noun (informal, abbreviation (baby grand piano)

She played waltzes on the baby grand in the parlor.

小型卧式钢琴 xiǎo xíng wò shì gāng qín

noun (small three-legged piano)

There was a baby grand piano in the living room.

三角钢琴 sān jiǎo gāng qín

noun (large piano with horizontal frame)

My pianist friend has no space for furniture in her living room; the concert grand fills it.


(geography) (地形,地貌)

终场演奏(表演) zhōng chǎng yǎn zòu biǎo yǎn

noun (climactic scene or performance)

All the actors re-appeared on stage for the grand finale.


noun (celebratory first-day event)


noun (Formula 1 motor-racing competition) (一级方程式赛车比赛)

The Monaco Grand Prix is always exciting.


noun (title of a major competition)


noun (figurative (overall organization of world)

I know you're upset, but in the grand scheme of things, splitting up with your boyfriend isn't that important.

大满贯 dà mǎn guàn

noun (® in the UK (sports: winning several championships) (运动)

The four biggest international tennis tournaments are known as grand slams.

本垒打 běn lěi dǎ

noun (baseball: hit scoring 4 runs) (棒球)

大满贯 dà mǎn guàn

noun (cards: winning at bridge) (桥牌)

巨盗, 数额巨大的盗窃

noun (US (law:| stealing large amount)

总计 zǒng jì

noun (final sum or amount)

The village fete managed to raise a grand total of £1,500 for the church restoration fund.

欧陆环游 ōu lù huán yóu

noun (historical (European travels)

British tourists travelled to Venice during the 18th century as a stop on the Grand Tour.

环游 huán yóu

noun (informal (visit, inspection)

The factory inspector will be doing his grand tour tomorrow.


noun (European cycle race)

The Tour de France is the oldest of the three European "Grand Tour" cycle races.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。