英语 中的 colours 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 colours 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 colours 的说明。
英语 中的colours 表示色, 颜色 yán sè, 颜料 yán liào, (脸颊上的)红润气色 liǎn jiá shàng de hóng rùn qì sè, 肤色加深, 给…涂颜色, 影响 yǐng xiǎng, 彩色的 cǎi sè de, 有色人种的, 本色 běn sè, 音色 yīn sè, (代表某个组织的)彩带 dài biǎo mǒu gè zǔ zhī de cǎi dài, 夸张成分 kuā zhāng chéng fèn, 旗帜 qí zhì, 骑师服, 脸红 liǎn hóng, 有…颜色的, ...色的, 带偏见的,戴着有色眼镜的, 有色人种的, 有色人种, 有色衣物, 鲜艳的色彩, 色盲 sè máng, 无种族歧视, 色标 sè biāo, 色对比度 sè duì bǐ dù, 颜色协调的, 彩色胶卷 cǎi sè jiāo juǎn, 有色电影, 护旗队, 色彩强度 sè cǎi qiáng dù, 种族界限, 彩色照片 cǎi sè zhào piān, 彩照, 彩色照相术 cǎi sè zhào xiàng shù, 彩色相片 cǎi sè xiàng piàn, 色纯度 sè chún dù, 颜色革命, 配色方案, 色谱 sè pǔ, 彩色电视机 cǎi sè diàn shì jī, 彩色影片, 色温, 彩色电视机 cǎi sè diàn shì jī, 彩色电视节目, 色觉 sè jué, 色轮, 颜色编码的, 色盲的 sè máng de, 没有种族偏见的 méi yǒu zhǒng zú piān jiàn de, 彩色铅笔, 补色 bǔ sè, 冷色,冷色调, 奶油色的 nǎi yóu sè de, 眼睛颜色, 肉色, 肉色的 ròu sè de, 四色印刷 sì sè yìn shuā, 全色印刷 quán sè yìn shuā, 全色印刷的 quán sè yìn shuā de, 全色的 quán sè de, 头发的颜色, 染发剂 rǎn fà jì, 蜂蜜色, 蜂蜜色的, 彩印的,(复制为)彩色的 cǎi yìn de,fù zhì wéi cǎi sè de, 本土色彩 běn tǔ sè cǎi, 奇异之处,古怪之处, 变得没血色 biàn de méi xiě sè / biàn de méi xuè sè, 本色,自然色 běn sè, 裸色,肉色, 不太正经的, 水粉画, 不透明色 bú tòu míng sè, 不透明的颜色, 柔色 róu sè, 有色人种, 有色人种, 主要色调 zhǔ yào sè diào, 基色,原色 jī sè,yuán sè, 皮肤颜色 pí fū yán sè, 栗色 lì sè, 栗色的 lì sè de, 音色 yīn sè, 暖色。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 colours 的含义
色noun (countable (individual hue) Is red your favourite colour? 红色是否是您喜爱的颜色? |
颜色 yán sènoun (uncountable (hues collectively) (统称) When she added colour to her drawing, it came alive. 她为自己的绘画上了色,整幅画一下就活了过来。 |
颜料 yán liàonoun (uncountable (paint, etc.) You need to add a little colour to this painting to brighten it up. |
(脸颊上的)红润气色 liǎn jiá shàng de hóng rùn qì sènoun (uncountable (cheeks: redness) You could tell he'd been playing sport because of the colour in his cheeks. 看脸颊上的红润气色,就可以看出他一直有运动。 |
肤色加深noun (uncountable (skin: pigmentation, tan) Have you been on the beach? Your skin's got some colour to it. 你去沙滩了吗?你好像晒黑了些。 |
给…涂颜色transitive verb (apply color to [sth]) The girl coloured a tree on her piece of paper. 女孩给纸上的一棵树涂上颜色。 |
影响 yǐng xiǎngtransitive verb (figurative (influence [sth]) (尤指负面) His experience in the war coloured his understanding of the world. 他的战争经历影响了他对世界的认识。 |
彩色的 cǎi sè denoun as adjective (not black and white) (电视) Mike bought a colour TV. 麦克买了一台彩色电视。 |
有色人种的adjective (US (person: not white) Maya is in a book club for women of color. 玛雅加入了一个面向有色人种女性的读书俱乐部。 |
本色 běn sènoun (figurative (nature) After I got to know Johnny, I saw the colour of his soul. 认识约翰以后,我才了解到了他的本性。 |
音色 yīn sènoun (figurative (sound quality) These speakers really reproduce the colour of the music very well. |
(代表某个组织的)彩带 dài biǎo mǒu gè zǔ zhī de cǎi dàinoun (member's ribbon) They arrived, all wearing the club's colour. |
夸张成分 kuā zhāng chéng fènnoun (figurative (evocative language) (比喻) Mark writes with a lot of colour, and his stories always have vivid imagery. 马克在写作时喜欢夸张,他的故事总是跃然纸上。 |
旗帜 qí zhìplural noun (flag) (常为复数) The marchers in the parade proudly showed the colours of their region. |
骑师服plural noun (jockey's uniform) (赛马) The racehorse owner was able to pick out the jockey by his colours. |
脸红 liǎn hóngintransitive verb (blush) You could see him colour when someone asked about his girlfriend. 一有人问起他的女朋友,他就会脸红。 |
有…颜色的adjective (having a color or colors) We hung colored lights on our house for Christmas. |
...色的adjective (as suffix (of a given color) |
带偏见的,戴着有色眼镜的adjective (figurative (biased or emotive) The speaker gave a colored account of the events that transpired. |
有色人种的adjective (dated, very offensive (relating to non-white people) |
有色人种noun (dated, very offensive (person: non-white) |
有色衣物plural noun (non-white laundry items) When you do laundry, it's a good idea to separate your coloureds from your whites. 洗衣时,最好将白色衣物与有色衣物分开洗涤。 |
鲜艳的色彩noun ([sth] intensely colorful) |
色盲 sè mángnoun (medical condition) |
无种族歧视noun (figurative (lack of racial prejudice) |
色标 sè biāonoun (table illustrating a range of hues) An artist uses a color chart to identify complementary colors. |
色对比度 sè duì bǐ dùnoun (strong lights, darks) I had to adjust the colour contrast on his television. |
颜色协调的adjective (having colors that match) Each dancer's outfit is a different style, but they are all color-coordinated. |
彩色胶卷 cǎi sè jiāo juǎnnoun (for photographing in color) Jane shot the photos using color film, scanned them into her computer and converted them to black and white. |
有色电影noun (cinema: movie in color) |
护旗队(flag bearer) |
色彩强度 sè cǎi qiáng dùnoun (saturation) Early digital cameras did not match the color intensity of 35 mm film. |
种族界限noun (separation by skin color) |
彩色照片 cǎi sè zhào piānnoun (informal (photograph in full color) The book is full of beautiful colour photos. |
彩照noun (photo in full color) |
彩色照相术 cǎi sè zhào xiàng shùnoun (medium, artform: photos in color) Many photographers shunned the advent of color photography and preferred to continue working in black-and-white. |
彩色相片 cǎi sè xiàng piànnoun (photo in full color) At the stationery store they make color prints directly from your digital camera. |
色纯度 sè chún dùnoun (saturation) Black, white or gray tones diminish the color purity. |
颜色革命noun (social movement in Eastern Europe) |
配色方案noun (restricted range of hues) Powerpoint offers users a choice of colour scheme for the presentation. |
色谱 sè pǔnoun (physics: range of colors) (物理) A prism is needed to observe the full color spectrum present in white light. |
彩色电视机 cǎi sè diàn shì jīnoun (countable (TV set: shows images in colour) We've got a color television in the living room. 我们客厅中有一台彩色电视。 |
彩色影片noun (uncountable (TV shows broadcast in color) Colour television first came to the UK in 1967. |
色温noun (optics) |
彩色电视机 cǎi sè diàn shì jī(informal (television set: shows images in colour) |
彩色电视节目(uncountable, informal (television shows broadcast in color) |
色觉 sè juénoun (ability to see hues) Nocturnal animals tend not to have color vision; the night's light is not strong enough to make out more than gray shapes. |
色轮noun (chart showing color relationships) |
颜色编码的adjective (classed and identified by color) The files were colour-coded to make it easier to find the correct one. |
色盲的 sè máng deadjective (having a medical condition) |
没有种族偏见的 méi yǒu zhǒng zú piān jiàn deadjective (figurative (not racially prejudiced) |
彩色铅笔noun (colored drawing tool) I used a coloured pencil to draw my teddy bear. |
补色 bǔ sènoun (contrasting hue) Purple is the complementary color of yellow. |
冷色,冷色调noun (figurative (cold hue) Blue, green, and purple are the cool colors. |
奶油色的 nǎi yóu sè denoun as adjective (cream-colored) Milwaukee was once known for its buildings of cream brick. |
眼睛颜色noun (color of the irises) |
肉色noun (color of skin) |
肉色的 ròu sè deadjective (same colour as skin) |
四色印刷 sì sè yìn shuānoun (four-hue printing method) (美式拼法) |
全色印刷 quán sè yìn shuānoun (printing process) It's rare to find such an old magazine printed in full colour. |
全色印刷的 quán sè yìn shuā deadjective (printed in color) Almost all magazines these days are full-color. |
全色的 quán sè deadjective (with full range of hues) |
头发的颜色noun (shade) Teenage girls often change their hair color experimentally. |
染发剂 rǎn fà jìnoun (product: dye) |
蜂蜜色noun (golden hue) |
蜂蜜色的adjective (golden) Her honey-color eyes sparkled in the sunlight. |
彩印的,(复制为)彩色的 cǎi yìn de,fù zhì wéi cǎi sè deadverb (image: full colour) (英式拼法,图像等) Producing newspapers in colour has done nothing to improve the quality of journalism. |
本土色彩 běn tǔ sè cǎinoun (figurative (features of a place) Take us on a tour of the bars and show us some of the local color. |
奇异之处,古怪之处noun (figurative (quirky points) |
变得没血色 biàn de méi xiě sè / biàn de méi xuè sè(go pale, fade) People lose color when they pass out. |
本色,自然色 běn sènoun (hair: real shade) (指头发) Her hair is blond, but I think it's not her natural color. Is that your hair's natural color, or do you dye your hair? |
裸色,肉色noun (flesh hue) |
不太正经的adjective (informal, figurative (joke, etc.: obscene, in bad taste) (指玩笑等) The joke was a little off color. Jim is known for telling off-colour jokes. |
水粉画noun (uncountable (paint: gouache) |
不透明色 bú tòu míng sènoun (pigment: not transparent) (颜料) |
不透明的颜色noun (hue: not transparent) I couldn't see her eyes because her sunglasses were a very opaque color. |
柔色 róu sènoun (pale hue) She chose a pastel colour for her dress; pastels are 'in' this Spring. |
有色人种noun (mainly US, often plural ([sb] of non-white descent) |
有色人种noun (mainly US, initialism (person of color) |
主要色调 zhǔ yào sè diàonoun (main hue) The predominant colour of a tree is usually green in the summer and brown in the winter. |
基色,原色 jī sè,yuán sènoun (often plural (red, yellow, blue) (三原色:红、黄、蓝) Primary colours can be mixed together to make other colours. |
皮肤颜色 pí fū yán sènoun (tone of complexion) White and black are the two common skin colours. |
栗色 lì sènoun (US (light red-brown) |
栗色的 lì sè deadjective (US (light red-brown) |
音色 yīn sènoun (figurative (music: timber) |
暖色noun (bold color such as red) Colin is going to paint the room in warm colours. |
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