英语 中的 code access security 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 code access security 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 code access security 的说明。

英语 中的code access security 表示密码 mì mǎ, 法规,规章 fǎ guī,guī zhāng, 准则 zhǔn zé, 密码 mì mǎ, 代码 dài mǎ, 加密 jiā mì, 编写, 编程,编写代码 biān chéng, 遗传编码, 心搏骤停 xīn bó zhòu tíng, 字母数字编码 zì mǔ shù zì biān mǎ, 字母数字码 zì mǔ shù zì mǎ, 电话区号 diàn huà qū hào, 银行代码, 条形码 tiáo xíng mǎ, 入口密码,通行密码, 建筑规范 jiàn zhú guī fàn, 代号 dài hào, 行为准则 xíng wéi zhǔn zé, 道德规范 dào dé guī fàn, 代码字 dài mǎ zì, 密码 mì mǎ, 暗语,暗号 àn yǔ,àn hào, 给…的代号为, 商业条例 shāng yè tiáo lì, 计算机代码, 着装要求 zhuó zhuāng yāo qiú, 道德规范 dào dé guī fàn, 莫尔斯电码 mò ěr sī diàn mǎ, 刑典法 xíng diǎn fǎ, 邮政编码 yóu zhèng biān mǎ, 密码 mì mǎ, 安全代码,安全码, 分类编码 fēn lèi biān mǎ, 源代码, 长途区号, 税务编号, 邮政编码 yóu zhèng biān mǎ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 code access security 的含义

密码 mì mǎ

noun (number, password)

What is the code to open the safe?

法规,规章 fǎ guī,guī zhāng

noun (laws, rules)

Sharing confidential information is against the company's code.

准则 zhǔn zé

noun (standards)

密码 mì mǎ

noun (secret)

代码 dài mǎ

noun (computer program)

There is an error in the code somewhere; I just haven't found it yet.

加密 jiā mì

transitive verb (encrypt)

The state government is coding all residents' social security numbers to prevent identity theft.


transitive verb (computing: program) (电脑程序、代码等)

I can code basic programs and know a little about web design.

编程,编写代码 biān chéng

intransitive verb (computing: write programs) (计算机)

When Bert is coding, nothing will distract him.


intransitive verb (genetics: specify protein) (遗传学)

心搏骤停 xīn bó zhòu tíng

intransitive verb (technical (medicine: suffer cardiac arrest) (医疗)

字母数字编码 zì mǔ shù zì biān mǎ

noun (computer code) (计算机)

The alphanumeric code limits entries to letters and numbers.

字母数字码 zì mǔ shù zì mǎ

noun (barcode numbers and letters) (条形码)

电话区号 diàn huà qū hào

noun (phone number: regional prefix)

To make a long distance call, you need to dial the area code before the phone number.


noun (bank's identification number)

The SWIFT code is used to transfer money between banks and the routing code is used to process checks.

条形码 tiáo xíng mǎ

noun (scannable strip on goods)

The shop assistant couldn't scan the bar code because it was covered up by a label.


noun (combination: gives entry)

建筑规范 jiàn zhú guī fàn

noun (US (construction regulations)

The building code requires that all staircases have railings of a certain height.

代号 dài hào

noun (name used to conceal identity)

"Deep Throat" was the code name of one of the Watergate informants.

行为准则 xíng wéi zhǔn zé

noun (official rules)

He was fired from the company for violating the code of conduct.

道德规范 dào dé guī fàn

noun (professional rules)

The psychiatrist could not give the police any information without violating her code of ethics.

代码字 dài mǎ zì

noun (word: to break a code)

密码 mì mǎ

noun (password)

Ali Baba used the code word "open sesame" to open the door to a cave filled with untold riches.

暗语,暗号 àn yǔ,àn hào

noun (figurative (disguised reference) (比喻)

A code word like "code red" is used in hospitals to alert the staff of a fire without causing alarm to the patients.


transitive verb (assign a code name to)

They code-named it "Operation White Swan".

商业条例 shāng yè tiáo lì

noun (rules governing business practices)

Business can be hindered if there are different commercial codes in neighboring jurisdictions.


noun (instructions in a computer program)

着装要求 zhuó zhuāng yāo qiú

noun (acceptable clothing)

The invitation states that the dress code is formal.

道德规范 dào dé guī fàn

noun (ethical principles)

It is wrong to think that because someone is not religious they have no moral code.

莫尔斯电码 mò ěr sī diàn mǎ

noun (communication system of dots and dashes)

The sinking ship sent out an SOS in Morse code.

刑典法 xíng diǎn fǎ

noun (rules governing crime and punishment)

Capital punishment was recently removed from the penal code for the offence of murder.

邮政编码 yóu zhèng biān mǎ

noun (UK (zip code, address code)

What is the postcode for your home in London?

密码 mì mǎ

noun (encryption)


noun (series of digits used as pass code)

You have to use a security code to open the door of the computer lab.

分类编码 fēn lèi biān mǎ

noun (branch number of a bank)


noun (computing: program instructions) (计算机)


noun (abbreviation (telephone: area prefix)


noun (code used to identify taxpayer)

You have to fill in your tax code at the top of the form.

邮政编码 yóu zhèng biān mǎ

noun (US (numbers indicating postal area)

It's embarrassing, but I can never remember my own zip code.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 code access security 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。