【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (1)
【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (2)
【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (3)
【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (4)
【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (5)
【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (6)
【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (7)
【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (8)
【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedy (9)

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【mao】Mirror glass magic tricks new liquid to silk appearing props stage magic comedyLiquid to Silk Magic Tricks Stage Appearing Props close-up magic street magic Accessories Comedy Mentalism PACKAGE : 1 pcs Liquid to Silk A cup of liquid and a cup are on the table.The magician pours the liquid Into the cup and turns the cup upside down,what happens then? The liquid does not spill out from the cup while a silk appearing !Unbelievable! Notice:1 The color of the silk should be the same with the liquid. 2 Any kind of liquid can be used in the performance. 3 It is different from other glass cups in that it has special gimmick to stop the liquid from spilling out from the cup. 4 Silk is not included. The trick includes a special cup and online explanation. Demo: v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc3Njg3MTc5Ng==.html

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