What does distruge in Romanian mean?
What is the meaning of the word distruge in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use distruge in Romanian.
The word distruge in Romanian means destroy, ruin, a anihila, a distruge, a sparge, a distruge, a măcelări, a distruge, a deteriora, a strica, a nărui, a decima, a distruge, a distruge, a distruge, a se distruge, a devasta, a distruge, a devasta, a distruge, a devasta, a extermina, a termina, a distruge, a strica, a da peste cap pe cineva, germicid, a distruge, a strica, a se distruge, a devasta, a distruge, a afecta, a face praf, a distruge prin atac nuclear, a distruge, a distruge, a distruge, a distruge, a distruge, a o face de oaie, a distruge, a spulbera, a distruge, a ruina, a da bătaie, a sfărâma, a distruge, a distruge, a strica, a distruge, a strica, a distruge, a desface, a distruge, a devasta, a distruge, a distruge. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word distruge
destroy, ruin
a anihila(destroy completely) |
a distruge(US, slang (smash, damage) I really banged up the car when I hit that moose. |
a sparge(informal (break by hitting) As I couldn't find the key to the shed, I had to bash the door in. |
a distruge(destroy) Boxerul a amenințat că își va distruge adversarul. The boxer threatened to break his opponent. |
a măcelări(figurative (perform badly) (figurat, informal) Ce gălăgie! Îmi măcelărești melodia preferată! What a racket! You're butchering my favourite song! |
a distruge(destroy) Din păcate, incendiul a distrus complet muzeul. Unfortunately, the fire completely consumed the museum. |
a deteriora(figurative (destroy, corrupt) (relații) |
a strica(cause physical harm to) Copacul a distrus mașina când a căzut pe ea. The tree damaged the car when it fell on it. |
a nărui(figurative (ruin: chances, hope) ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Nota slabă la examen i-a năruit speranța de a intra la un liceu bun. Failing the exam dashed Adrian's chances of getting into university. |
a decima(figurative (destroy, lay waste to) |
a distruge(figurative (destroy: reputation, etc.) (reputație) |
a distruge(ruin) Inundația a distrus casa. The flood destroyed the house. |
a distruge(destroy) |
a se distruge(mainly US (be destroyed) The hut destructed in the strong winds. |
a devasta, a distruge(destroy) |
a devasta, a distruge(crush emotionally) (afectiv) |
a devasta(cause serious trouble or damage) The hurricane did great harm to the coastline. |
a extermina(wipe out, destroy) |
a termina(slang (destroy, kill) That 30-mile walk has just about finished me off. |
a distruge, a strica(vulgar, offensive, slang (spoil) I wish my parents would stop f***ing up my life! |
a da peste cap pe cineva(vulgar, offensive, slang (damage psychologically) Dan's experiences during the war had f***ed him up. |
germicid(chemical that kills microbes) |
a distruge, a strica(informal (ruin, destroy) Rugina mi-a ros mașina. Rust got my car. |
a se distruge(figurative (lose health) Alvin's health went to pieces as a result of his alcoholism. |
a devasta(figurative, often passive (building: destroy interior) Incendiul a devastat întreaga clădire. The fire gutted the whole apartment building. |
a distruge, a afecta(figurative (injure, damage: conceptually) (conceptual) Și-a distrus propriul argument admițând că adesea a făcut contrariul. He harmed his own argument by admitting that he often did the opposite. |
a face praf(informal, figurative (golf, rugby ball: stop) The squash player killed the ball with a nick. |
a distruge prin atac nuclear(destroy with nuclear weapons) |
a distruge(of sth: abuse, strip of value) |
a distruge(thing: destroy) Și-a distrus computerul vărsând cafea pe el. He ruined his computer by spilling coffee on it. |
a distruge(figurative (mood: destroy) Comentariile ei răutăcioase mi-au stricat seara. Her vicious remarks ruined my evening. |
a distruge(bankrupt) Starea proastă a economiei a dus firma la faliment. The business was ruined by the bad economy. |
a distruge(sb: cause downfall of) I-a compromis cariera politică atunci când a dezvăluit detalii despre relația lor. She ruined his political career when she told of their affair. |
a o face de oaie(US, slang (sth: damage or destroy) I've totally screwed up this soup by putting too much salt in it. |
a distruge(UK, figurative, informal (wreck, ruin) These new developments could scupper any chance of the two nations reaching an agreement. |
a spulbera(figurative (abruptly interrupt silence) (figurat) |
a distruge(figurative (destroy: confidence, etc.) (încredere) The critics damning reviews shattered the author's confidence and he never wrote again. |
a ruina(figurative (ruin, destroy) (figurat) |
a da bătaie(figurative (sports) (figurat) |
a sfărâma(break noisily) |
a distruge(informal (destroy, break) A vandal smashed in my windshield. |
a distruge(destroy, break into pieces) He smashed up his car in an accident on the highway. |
a strica(plan: ruin) I-ai spus lui Mary că aveam de gând să facem o petrecere de ziua ei? Acum ai stricat surpriza! You told Mary we were planning a party for her birthday? You've spoiled the surprise now! |
a distruge, a strica(mainly US (car: wreck) I totaled my car. |
a distruge(figurative, slang (destroy) The rock stars trashed their hotel room. |
a desface(destroy) |
a distruge(undo, destroy) |
a devasta(lay to waste, destroy) The soldiers wasted the enemy village. |
a distruge(destroy: car, bike) (mașină) Harry și-a distrus mașina când a intrat cu ea într-un copac. Harry wrecked his car when he drove it into a tree. |
a distruge(reputation: destroy) (reputație) Scandalul a distrus reputația politicianului, nu a mai lucrat vreodată. The scandal wrecked the politician's reputation; he never worked again. |
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Do you know about Romanian
Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.