What does blând in Romanian mean?
What is the meaning of the word blând in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use blând in Romanian.
The word blând in Romanian means kind, gentle, blând, timid, blând, blând, blând, generos, bun, amabil, gentil, delicat, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, blând, indulgent, a lua cu ușurelul pe, a fi bun, a fi blând, a fi binevoitor, caracter blând, mai blând. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word blând
kind, gentle
blând(person, animal) Fred era un suflet blând și era iubit de toată lumea. Fred was a gentle soul who was loved by everyone. |
timid(shy) Prizonierul timid s-a conformat tăcut. The meek prisoner quietly complied. |
blând(kind and compassionate) |
blând(gentle, meek) Who would have thought mild-mannered Mr. Smith would turn out to be a murderer? |
blând(having a quiet or gentle voice) (voce) I was surprised when my usually soft-spoken sister began to yell at me. |
generos, bun(kind, generous) |
amabil(amiable, agreeable) Billy is a good-natured kid and has lots of friends. |
gentil(gently, mildly, kindly) |
delicat(gently, softly) These pots are fragile and must be handled delicately. |
blând(person: meek) The lowly receptionist was afraid to speak her mind. |
blând(harmlessly, helpfully) |
blând(figurative (with favorable conditions) We live in a Goldilocks climate: it's neither too hot nor too cold. |
blând(affectionate) ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Acea mămică era tare afectuoasă cu copilul ei. I like her warm manner. She really treats us well. |
blând(weather) Vremea este, de obicei, blândă primăvara. The weather is usually mild in the spring. |
blând(figurative (person: dull, meek) The new guy at work seems a bit tame. |
blând(kind, gentle) Când Peter și-a pierdut slujba, soția lui blândă l-a alinat. Peter's tender wife comforted him when he lost his job. |
blând(person, manner) Tim era o persoană blândă, cu care te înțelegeai ușor. Tim was a very mild person and easy to get along with. |
blând(treatment: gentle) Viața nu fusese blândă cu ea. Ascultă, am fost blând cu tine, dar trebuie să începi să muncești mai serios. Life has not been kind to her. Listen, I've been kind to you so far, but you need to start working harder. |
blând(not strict) Copiii o plac pentru că e blândă cu ei. The kids like her because she is soft with them. |
blând(figurative (weather: mild) (despre vreme) Clima temperată a Californiei atrage multă lume. The soft climate in California attracts many people. |
blând(quiet: weather) Vântul este blând. The wind is calm. |
blând(weather: mild) (vreme) |
blând(mild) The weather was kindly and didn't ruin the trip. |
blând(soft, mild) Zak's gentle voice soothed the frightened dog. The mother gave her child a gentle reprimand. |
indulgent(without severe punishment) Judecătorul a fost indulgent cu hoțul, pentru că acestuia îi părea rău de ce făcuse. The judge went easy on the thief because he expressed sorrow for his crimes. |
a lua cu ușurelul pe(informal (be lenient with) Please go easy on the new students. |
a fi bun, a fi blând, a fi binevoitor(be kind toward sb) My daughter is good to me; she comes to visit every Sunday and brings cake. |
caracter blând(gentle character) Dave is good with kids because of his mildness. |
mai blând(becoming less severe) The government hopes that the reduction in income tax will have a softening impact on families which are struggling financially. |
Let's learn Romanian
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Do you know about Romanian
Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.